Custom Tanzanite Rings For Men
The growing interest in mens custom made tanzanite rings proves that, men today care more about the jewelry that they wear. There are a few solid reasons why, you should have some tanzanite gem knowledge before investing in a custom mens ring with a tanzanite gemstone. In this report we will talk about tanzanite gems and how the properties of these gems, would influence the design and concept that you choose for your mens custom tanzanite ring in gold or 925 sterling silver. We will also introduce you to some fine mens tanzanite rings that, incorporate some of the finest and most advance features into their design and construction.
A sturdy men's gemstone ring with tanzanite. A rare gem mined in just one narrow strip of land on the planet. Finely crafted by expert artisans in Thailand the MAN64T men's tanzanite gemstone ring is available in gold or 925 silver ... more.
A classy diamond tanzanite ring for men, available in 14k / 18k white, yellow or pink gold and sterling silver. A natural certified tanzanite gem. We can also craft a men's tanzanite ring with a design concept provided by you. All gem options available ... more.
Choosing Gem Size: The design concept for a gold or silver mens custom tanzanite ring, would define the size of the gemstone required. However the size selection of the tanzanite gem will generally be influenced by your budget allocation. Gem quality tanzanite would certainly fall in the category of high priced gems. A common feature of gems in this category is that, the price per carat of the gem rapidly increases as the size of the gem rises. So if you had to pick a one carat tanzanite gem and pay a price of 150 U.S$ for the stone, the price for the stone would be 150 U.S$ per carat. Now choose the same quality of tanzanite but choose a 3 carat gem, the price would jump to around 250 U.S$ to even 300 U.S$ per carat. In most cases you would find that, a custom mens ring with a 2 to 3 carat tanzanite gem provides a nice balance between price and quality. We do not mean to say that, a 5 carat or even a 10 carat tanzanite gem is impossible to find. While such large tanzanite gems are quite rare, they can be procured for high budget gem lovers.
Tanzanite As A Birthstone: So would a custom tanzanite gold or silver ring for a man, symbolize a birthstone ring. If you go by the traditional birthstone charts, tanzanite will most probably not have a mention there. This is a fairly young gemstone and does not have substantial traditions or folklore attached to it. Having said that, we would like to say that Tanzanite is regarded as one of the options for the December birthstone. The other birthstones for December are turquoise and blue zircon, tanzanite was added as an option in the year 2002. So if you happen to be born in the month of December, you could consider getting a custom made tanzanite ring as a birthstone ring. From the price point of view, tanzanite would be much more expensive as compared to blue zircon or stabilized turquoise.
Shown as a men's silver ring with tanzanite, the MAN121 can also be ordered in 14k or 18k gold and all three gold colors. The design of this men's tanzanite ring can be customized to your preference, available in all ring sizes ... more.
A simple design, high durability and a big tanzanite gem are the hallmarks of this men's ring handcrafted with tanzanite. A heavy metal weight and a securely mounted gem combine with fine workmanship. Custom made in all ring sizes ... more.
Gold or 925 Silver: It is true that, good quality custom 925 silver rings are not easy to find. You will experience this if, you try to find a custom mens sterling silver tanzanite ring with a good quality tanzanite gemstone. Going by technical details, there is no reason why you cannot get a fine custom made mens ring with tanzanite in sterling silver or gold or even brass for that matter. The possibility of getting a highend custom ring for men in silver is something that, will interest many men. The demand for mens sterling silver jewelry has always been impressive. High prices of gold and more importantly the fact that, many men do not like to wear flashy jewelry, makes the classic look of silver a popular choice. If you plan to get a custom made tanzanite gold, you would be interested to know that, 14k white or yellow gold is a popular choice. You could surely request for a 10k or 18k custom mens ring too. As far as 10k gold is concerned, most reputed jewelers recommend that 14k or 18k gold provides a better investment in the metal.
Plating Silver Rings: Most of us are aware that, silver tarnishes over a period of time. You could therefore expect your custom made silver tanzanite mens ring to tarnish too. While it is neither difficult nor messy to clean a tarnished silver ring, many jewelers provide a rhodium, gold or even platinum plating on 925 silver jewelry - this is often marketed as an anti-tarnish solution. We must say that, a plated silver ring can look awesome and far more expensive than, what it's price point would suggest. What jewelers forget to tell you is that, the plating done on silver will not last forever. Wear and tear will cause the plating to come off. At that point, you might be a bit sorry that you decided to plate the custom silver tanzanite ring because, the gemstone in the ring would be quite expensive. You are left with a rather shabby looking jewel that seems unfit to wear but, with a gemstone that is worth many times more than the silver metal invested in the jewel. A good idea would be to leave your custom tanzanite ring unplated. Convenient and inexpensive products are available in jewelry stores to help polish tarnished silver jewelry. The secret lies in doing the cleaning process as soon as, the tarnish begins to settle on the ring. Once you have followed the provided instruction on the silver polish product and completed the cleaning process, rinse the ring in running water to wash away any residue that might be stuck to the gem or the silver mounting.
Advantage Of Custom Made: There are some very sold reasons for choosing a custom mens tanzanite ring but, you need to make sure that you take complete advantage of a custom made jewel. Two parameters would mark the limits, of what you can expect and get from a custom tanzanite ring. Budget and the capability of the jeweler that you choose would define what you can get from custom jewelry. The design, gem quality, gem dimensions and even metal weight should be customized to suit the design concept that you choose. A gold or silver custom ring, should be made to satisfy your requirements. The jeweler need not worry about pleasing mass markets so, reasons for quality compromise are nil. When it comes to a mens tanzanite ring that is custom made, agreeing on the gem color is important. Most tanzanite rings are made with medium color gems, darker gems are not seen often and are also more expensive.
Gemstone Certification: Commonly referred to as a lab test report, a gemstone certificate is generally given by a third party. You could request your jeweler to provide you with a gem identification certificate for the gemstone in your custom ring. It is not uncommon for jewelers to request for an additional certification fee, when requests for certificates are made. The gemstone certificate would be priced at around 50 U.S$ to 100 U.S$ depending on the institute that issues the certificate. Generally tanzanite does not pose much of a challenge for testing. You will need to check that the gemstone is natural and heat treated. All tanzanite gems are found with a murky brownish green color when mined, heating the rough drives away colors induced by natural impurities in the stone. The origin of the tanzanite gem is easy to determine mainly because, Tanzania is the only place where commercial mining of tanzanite is done.
The above report will not make you an expert in jewelry or gemstones but, it holds susbtantial value. When you decide to purchase a mens tanzanite ring, give a serious thought to getting a custom made mens ring. Look for reputed custom jewelry providers who, can handle the entire design and production for you. Many jewelers restrict their gem choice to fixed inventories, this might be good for them but is not good news for buyers. At Kaisilver, we procure tanzanite rough from miners and custom cut every gemstone that is used in our jewelry. Our team of experts at will be glad to answer any gems or jewelry related queries that you might have. Since you do not need to buy anything from us to get the benefit of our expertise, there is no reason why you should not clear your doubts and questions with us.
How To Buy: If you wish to buy a men's tanzanite ring in gold or silver or any other jewel from Kaisilver, discuss your requirements with our experts at we will be glad to provide information and make suggestions. Once you have all details answered move to the payment phase. While we recommend Paypal as the mode of payment, we also accept Western Union Transfers. Payment details will be emailed, once we know your preference. There is a 4 to 5 weeks production time counted from the date when, the order is confirmed with payment. We can also craft a jewel with a design idea provided by you. Remember that there is no limitation on gemstone - for all Kaisilver custom made jewelry.
Who Is Kaisilver: The leading online provider for high end custom made jewelry, Kaisilver today serves over 12,000 clients across 15 nations. Being networked to leading gem mining and cutting operations on ever continent, we have preferential access to over 200 million carats of gemstones. This is what allows us to place no limitation on your gem selection. Email us at with any questions or queries that you might have.